Waynflete Infants' School academy matters
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Academy matters

The governors of Waynflete Infants’ School made the strategic decision to convert to Academy Status in order that the school could benefit from greater autonomy throughout the curriculum. To improve the school premises and learning environments was a major consideration and priority in the short term. Therefore, having the advantage of being able to apply for additional funding grants only available to Academies was seen as beneficial, and potentially the only way school could afford to upgrade the building that was in need of urgent repairs.
Since conversion on 1 April 2012 the school has benefited from:
Establishment of a creative skills based approach to learning, focusing on the needs of the very young children at our school.
Manage resources to ensure value for money, both in terms of curriculum materials and human resources.
Successful bids for Academy Capital Maintenance Funding and Condition Improvements Funds have resulted in:
- New heating and hot water system.
- New Fire Alarm.
- Replacement roofs to two major sections of the school.
- Replacement hall windows.
- New canopies.
Governors are committed to undertake the responsibilities required of them as stated in the Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State. Additional policies and procedures are now embedded in school which have improved the management of key areas of governance.
Waynflete Infants’ School is a stand alone Academy Trust and as such to contact the Academy Trust please use the usual school contact details.
Please refer to the sections below which provide more details relating to Academy Documentation.