Information for parents
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Information for parents

Local courses for parents
Reflections is parent or carer course that form part of the Autism Outreach Team’s service offering to enable attendees to learn more about autism spectrum conditions, how it manifests itself and what strategies can be used to support children and young people. This 6 week course covers home support predominantly by empowering attendees to implement appropriate support strategies as well as discussing strategies that can be transferred to a school setting.
Please click on the Local Offer link or the Information and Advise Service link below and use their search engines to find more support, advise, workshops and courses on a variety of aspects in relation to children with SEND.
If you attend a course or a workshop that has been a real asset to your child or your family please do not hesitate to contact the school so we can pass on any information to other parents who are in need of similar support.
Children and Family Activity Groups
A voluntary group, run by parents and carers of people with disabilities for the enjoyment and benefit of it’s members.
A List of Useful Websites for Parents
Information on events and courses available in your local area for parents and children with SEND.
Young Minds offer free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25.
Information and advise on Dyslexia.
Information and support for people and children with Autism.
The National Deaf Children’s Society is the only UK charity solely dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them.
National Parent Partnership Services offer information, advice and support for parents of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN).
Children’s Centres offer a range of services to parents from pregnancy through to when your child starts school. You and your child can make friends and play; seek advice and support on your child’s health, parenting, family matters and healthy lifestyles; find help in seeking work and much more.
Information and support for children with Autism.
Northamptonshire’s Information, Advice and Support Service is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority and provides free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND.