Transition from Waynflete to BJS
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There are many advantages to attending a specialist infant school. All staff are trained in Early Years provision ensuring that we are able to offer the best curriculum experience for the younger child. This is play based including creativity and fun. The size of the school is small and nurturing with all children known to all staff. We are a tight knit community with an emphasis on the individual child. As Year 2 are the eldest children in the school they are encouraged to be independent and this includes taking on the role of mentoring the younger children. Expectations across the whole school are high resulting in the Year 2 children taking lead roles in the Christmas Production and Leavers Assembly.
One of the advantages of being an infant school is that our children transfer to Brackley Junior School at the end of Key Stage One. This promotes independence and develops children’s resilience in adapting to new environments and change. We have very strong links with Brackley Junior School in preparation for transition as this is the destination school for the vast majority of children to transfer to after leaving WIS. During Year 2 many activities are planned with Brackley Junior School so that the children become used to the new environment and teachers:
- Â All Year 2 are supported by a group of caring champions.
- Year 3 from BJS come up at Christmas and are part of the audience for our dress rehearsal. Other activities throughout the year include a joint sports event, outdoor learning, attending the Easter service at St. Peters Church.
- There are comprehensive meetings in July where both the Year 2 and Year 3 teaching teams meet to discuss the children to share information to ensure that there is a seamless transition. The SENCO’S from both schools also meet to ensure that transition is effective for all those children with additional needs.
- In July the Year 2 children spend a day with their new teacher at BJS in preparation for starting in September.
All of the activities and meetings ensure that all children settle very quickly and there are no gaps in their learning. The feedback from parents is that “Transition is highly effective”