Waynflete Infants' School - Class pages

Welcome to Year 1!

Mrs Lehec, Mrs Crawley, Mrs Jordan and Mrs Griffiths are the Teachers in Year 1.

1HL/OC is taught by Mrs Lehec on a Monday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Crawley on a Tuesday and Wednesday. 

1LJ is taught by Mrs Jordan on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and by Mrs Griffiths on a Thursday. 

Mrs Brown, Mrs Richardson, Mrs Kerton and Mrs Benton are the Teaching Assistants in Year 1. 

Mrs Isham and Mrs Muir will teach Year 1 on a Monday afternoon.

Year 1 will do PE every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon so will need to come to school in their PE kits on those days.

Information PowerPoint 2024

Termly overviews


In Year 1 the children will learn Common Exception Words (CEWs) which are those words which cannot be sounded out and the children just have to know. They will need to be able to read and write these words. All of the Year 1 CEWs are here for you to look at so you can continue to support your children at home.

Kinetic Letter Family Cards

Maths home learning ideas

We feel it is important that your child continues to reinforce what they have learnt during their Maths lessons in school regularly at home. Below is a list of activities that your child would benefit from carrying out on a regular basis:
  • Reading and writing numbers to 20 in numbers and words
  • counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Recalling pairs of numbers (number bonds) that add up to make 10
  • Recognising and naming a range of 2D and 3D shapes
  • Measuring items and reading scales using a range of measuring apparatus (rulers, kitchen scales, bathroom scales, tape measures, measuring jugs, etc)
  • Telling the time to o’clock and half past
  • Recalling days of the week and month of the year.
  • Recognising coins and notes and making amounts with them
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