Waynflete Infants' School - Welcome to Year R
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Welcome to Year R at Waynflete 2022
Waynflete Infants' School
We hope that the following presentations will give you the information that you need to start your journey with us. Once you have read the information if anything is unclear no matter how small please give the school office a ring on 01280 702270 and we will be able to help you.
OPEN DAYS – we would like to invite parents of children starting Reception Year in September 2022 to our Open Days as follows: –
Tuesday 12th October – Morning
Tuesday 12th October – After School
Wednesday 10th November – Morning
To book a time slot, please kindly contact the School Office.

The year group team working with our Reception children are:
- Mrs Whiskerd Foundation Stage Leader
- Mrs Sara/Mrs Crawley Foundation Stage Teachers
- Mrs Isham Higher Level Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Finch Cover Supervisor
- Mrs Brown Teaching Assistant
They are looking forward to working with you and your children to help them achieve their very best.
- Apron
- Wellington Boots
- Water Bottle and book bag
- PE Kit and school uniform please name all clothes
- The teachers have talked with all the pre-schools and nurseries that your child has attended.
- All essential information has been shared so that we as a school are aware of your child’s interests and strengths.
- 10 minute slots meet the teacher will be available in September
The school doors open at 8:45 and we would encourage you to arrive near that time so that the children can come straight into school and have a calm start to their learning day.
Registration is at 8:55 and we would encourage all children to arrive on time. If you are late please come into school via the main office and sign your child in.
Playtime is at 10:30 – 10:45 and then children have a piece of fruit, a drink of milk or water.
Lunch time is 12:00 – 1:00. Year R children will eat at 12.00.
School finishes at 3:00.
- Our school caterers are Fresh Start.
- Choice of a hot meal, vegetarian, jacket potato or a deli/sandwich option.
- Choice of pudding, fruit and/or yoghurt.
- Fresh start will send out your log ins so that you can order through meal manager.
- The best idea is to order for the whole half term.
- Sharing assembly is held every Friday at 9.00. You are invited to this if your child has had a birthday or if they are sharing work. Our new reception children will start to share work the week after half term. So look out for letters in your child’s book bag.
- Sharing time is on the last Thursday of the month. These provide opportunities for you to share with your child the things that they have been doing in school. The newsletter gives the dates and the times for each term.
- A newsletter is sent home at the start of each term giving important dates and information about what is happening in school. This is emailed to you so please check during the first week of each term.
- The school emails a weekly School Comms each Friday that includes any events for the next week.
- It is essential that the school has your correct email address for School Comms and Tapestry.
- School Comms every Friday
- Twitter on website.
- School website
- Can link phone to the school calendar on the website.
- Cashless all payments online.
- Studybugs for illness reporting.
- Office email: office@waynfleteinfants.co.uk
- School has an active parent, teacher, friends association (PTFA) which raises money for extra activities and resources within school.
- It would be really great if you are able to join as it’s a good way to get to know other parents.
- Attendance at school is really important for your child’s success.
- We aim for all children to achieve at least 95% attendance.
- We use ‘Studybugs’ system to report illness – by 9.15am.
- Download app or use website and then use this to report absence.
- Holidays within term time will be an unauthorised absence.
- All unauthorised absences are reported to Northamptonshire County Council (NCC)
- NCC have a right to issue fixed penalty notices for term time absences
- The children will start to develop their learning, social skills and independence.
- They will make new friends.
- Start to understand the school rules and expectations
- Settle into whole school routines such as playtime, lunchtime and sharing assembly.
The children have made a great start to their time at Waynflete Infants’ School by attending Wizzers and I hope that they are ready to continue their learning journey with us.
For further information please look at the Reception Class Page.