Governors at Waynflete Infants' School

Meet the governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section. Our Chair of Governors’ is Mrs Alex O’Callaghan who can be contacted via:

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We are lucky to have a very dedicated team of Governors.

Members of the Academy Board are Mrs Alison Ranson, Mrs Sam Nyali and Mrs Alex O’Callaghan.

Governors are all Directors of the Academy Trust and work together to ensure that Waynflete Infants’ School strives to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children in our care. At the same time, they ensure the Academy is safe, and provides a stimulating environment in which to learn.

Record of Governors’ Attendance 2024-25

Name Full Governors’ Meeting FEAR* Curriculum
Tina Lagdon 1/1
Alasdair Macsporran 1/1
Sophie Thomson 1/1
Sally Watson 1/1
Alex O'Callaghan 1/1
Rebecca Rees 1/1
Penny du Sautoy 0/1
Jo Meara 1/1

Record of Governors’ Attendance 2023-24

Name Full Governors’ Meeting FEAR* Curriculum
Tina Lagdon 4/4 - 4 out of possible 4 4/4 2/2
Rosalyne Peet 1/1 1/1
Sally Watson 4/4 3/3
Alex O'Callaghan 4/4 4/4
Rebecca Rees 4/4 4/4 1/1
Penny du Sautoy 4/4 1/1 3/3
Jo Meara 4/4 3/3
Sophie Thomson 2/2 2/2

Record of Governors’ Attendance 2020-21

Name Full Governors’ Meeting FEAR*
Tina Lagdon 6/6 - 6 out of possible 6 7/7
Graham Weir 1/3 3/4
Alison Ranson 6/6 7/7
Andrew Lowe 5/6 7/7
Steph Isham 4/4 N/A
Rosalyne Peet 5/6 N/A
Chris Maynard 4/5 7/7
Sally Watson 6/6 N/A
Peter Wardle 1/3 1/2
Lukasz Szczygiel 2/3 1/2

*Finance, Environment, Audit & Resources Committee

Name Category Interests
Tina Lagdon Headteacher Governor at Brackley Junior School
Sally Watson Staff None
Alison Ranson Member
Governor appointed by the Members
Staff member at Magdalen College School, Brackley
Rosalyne Peet Appointed by the members Headteacher/Governor of Brackley Junior School
Andrew Lowe Parent Editor of Educational Resources
Chris Maynard Members Director Castle Minibus
Lukasz Szczgiel Parent Parent
Peter Wardle Parent Parent
Samantha Nyali Member Business Manager at Brackley Junior School
Colin Waldron Member Town Councillor, Brackley Town Council & Uncle of pupil in school
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Register of Governors’ interest 2022

Name Role Date appointed Relevant business and pecuniary interests Trusteeships and governorships at other educational institutes / charities Personal relationships with trust employees or other members / trustees / local governors Date interest declared
Tina Lagdon Governor/ Headteacher 01.09.2013 None Co-opted Governor, Brackley Junior School None 19.05.2022
Susan Parry School Business Manager 29.03.2017 None Governor, Royal Latin School Close friend of Alison Ranson, Chair of Governors 19.05.2022
Andrew Lowe Parent Governor 25.06.2018 Lowe Editorial Services None None 19.05.2022
Laura Moore Governor appointed by the Members 19.05.2022 John Lewis Partnership None None 19.05.2022
Colin Waldron Governor appointed by the Members 19.05.2022 Strata Trustee, Thomas Crewe Almshouse Trust, Brackley None 19.05.2022
Alison Ranson Local Authority Governor/ Member 06.10.2009 Exams & Data Manager, Magdalen College School, Brackley None Close friend of Susan Parry, School Business Manager 19.05.2022
Sally Watson Staff Governor 23.03.2020 None None None 19.05.2022
Rosalyne Peet Governor appointed by the Members 10.11.2016 Headteacher, Brackley Junior School Governor, Brackley Junior School None 09.2021
Rebecca Rees Governor appointed by the Members 06.06.2022 None Member of Little Oaks Pre-School Management Committee None 23.06.2022
Penny du Sautoy Parent Governor 08.06.2022 None None None 23.06.2022
Chris Maynard Member 07.07.2021 Director, Castle Minibus None None 07.07.2021
Samantha Nyali Member 18.01.2021 School Business Manager, Brackley Junior School None None 18.01.2022